Thursday, August 13, 2009

waiting for the day to start

I haven't blogged in a while because I'm frantically trying to restore balance to my life. it's working, albeit slowly. and I still need a roommate.

I went to a ren faire over the weekend with my beloved and her friend. I'm such a huge nerd, because I enjoyed the heck out of it.

and the allure of riches is a retardedly huge pull in the states. I'm beyond broke and I'm still wishing I had more money so I could buy this and that. rich young ruler, no kingdom is the little niche of nothing I've carved for myself and I'm trying to protect it at all costs. foolishness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I've had a lot going on, and as such it's been hard to stay on top of everything. I saw "Catch Me If You Can" the musical, and it was far and away better than I expected (I expected to be out of there by intermission).

and I love my girl dearly, so much it hurts. you all needed to know that whether you needed to know it or not.
