to be honest, I'd more or less forgotten I even had a blog. I used to blog a fair amount back in the day (and by "fair amount," I mean I'd have stretches of a month or so where I'd blog followed by years where I wouldn't). anyway, I've been contemplating blogging for a few months now, and I said I'd review some material from Logos on here, so I may as well get back into the swing of things by trying to put thoughts on screen again.
I had a post rolling around in my head on the drive home from work today. Bethany wasn't with me, otherwise I would've had her write down some of my thoughts so I could remember. I'll probably try and compose it later, but the post was going to be a brief examination of the question of whether God knew Adam would sin. I've heard recently of a church that some friends go to where God set things in motion without knowing the outcome (that's really butchering the concept, by the way - I'm stating a complex concept as concisely as possible, so bear with me). I've also heard of a few churches that believe God created Adam to sin. I have my opinion, of course, and I'm not the best at being able to present all sides accurately, so what I intend to do is set up what I think the Bible says and then try to come up with objections. no promises it'll be any good, but hey, that's what comments are for.
speaking of Logos, I've more or less sold out to them as hard as I've sold out to Google. I'm doing grad school through them, I've got their highest base package, I've got our church using their presentation software, and I'd get a tattoo of them on my body if I thought it'd be proper (kinda hard to justify that one to the church board). aside from doing a review of some of their material that I said I'd do (Abraham: Following God's Promise - Complete Church Curriculum), I'll probably be describing my experiences with their software from time to time. likely I'll be talking about the classes I'm taking in future posts, assuming I'm able to get my work done within a reasonable time frame. I'd hate to find a new distraction, I've got enough of them already.
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