Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a quick one

went on a date with my wonderful girl tonight. it was fantabulous.

work is....less than desirable right now. pretty sure I'm hoping on the next job that's even comparable in wages. too much frustration, too much aggravation, too much annoyance. such is life I suppose, but I certainly don't see any reason to willfully subject myself when options exist.

oh, and I watched the video of the girl who died in the Iran protests. horrific. I shouldn't have, I'll probably have sad dreams now, but...I dunno what it is about human nature that must watch others' suffering. perhaps it is our desire to identify and to a subconscious extent empathize with others. perhaps it's a sadistic side. perhaps the sadistic side is itself a way of empathizing with pain.

whatever it is, I am so very deeply saddened by the violence. I know that such violence is "more common" in the Middle East, but clinical depression could be more common over there and I'd still be sad. I'm saddened. and I'm realizing I'm not praying near hard enough. I sincerely pray that the scheduled protest will be peaceful and not marked by violence or the emergence of new martyrs.

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